
Real estate agencies in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw

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  • Immo ZonePro
    Group • 308 online listings • 7 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    277 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 7 listings in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Immo Zone
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    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Cornelis & Partners
    Group • 517 online listings • 6 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    515 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 6 listings in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Cornelis & Partners
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    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Landmeetkantoor TOPO-IMMO
    Grobbendonk • 180 online listings • 17 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    197 reviews

    « TOPO-IMMO, het enige landmeet- en vastgoedkantoor in regio Haaltert, Ninove, Geraardsbergen en omstreken.Door de combinatie van zowel vastgoedbemiddeling als landmeten kunnen wij u de breeds mogelijke service aanbieden.Ons innovatief en dynamisch team staat steeds ter uwer beschikking.

    TOPO, kort voor topografie.Onder deze noemer bieden wij u een ruime dienstverlening inzake landmeten, schattingen, opmetingen, verkavelingen, plaatsbeschrijvingen, stedenbouwkundige attesten en algemene adviezen.Steeds grondig, degelijk en met kennis van zaken.

    IMMO, immobiliën. Vastgoedbemiddeling met hart en ziel!

    Tevens bieden wij extra diensten aan als de opmaak van elektrische keuringen, EPC (EnergiePrestatieCertificaat) alsook uw partner bij projectontwikkeling. »

    Contact Landmeetkantoor TOPO-IMMO
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    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Living Stone - LeuvenPro
    Group • 396 online listings • 1 recent sale in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    525 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Living Stone - Leuven
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    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Delestré Immobiliën
    Meerbeke • 107 online listings • 1 recent sale in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    242 reviews

    « Delestré Immobiliën is al meer dan dertig jaar een vaste waarde op de vastgoedmarkt en dit over heel België wat de verkoop en de verhuur van zowel commercieel als residentieel vastgoed betreft.
    Van marktconforme waardebepaling tot actieve opvolging, al het nodige wordt gedaan voor een vlotte verkoop of verhuur van uw eigendom tegen de beste prijs.
    Onze jarenlange ervaring garandeert een succesvolle afloop van elke vastgoedverhaal.

    Wilt u uw commercieel of residentieel vastgoed verkopen of verhuren?
    Of bent u op zoek naar een nieuwe woonst of een nieuwe vestiging voor uw onderneming?
    Neem dan vandaag vrijblijvend contact op.
    Wij beantwoorden al uw vragen met plezier!
    Ontdek ons op deze portaalsite maar ook op
    T: +32 (0)54 33 62 52 of e-mail: »

    Contact Delestré Immobiliën
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Immo LiermanPro
    Group • 234 online listings • 7 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    24 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 7 listings in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Immo Lierman
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Immo Van Middelem
    Group • 78 online listings • 6 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    51 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 6 listings in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Immo Van Middelem
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Immo Pro
    Dilbeek • 28 online listings • 5 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    48 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 5 listings in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Immo Pro
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Locals Vastgoed
    Ninove • 112 online listings • 1 recent sale in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    93 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Locals Vastgoed
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Team Construct
    Anderlecht • 46 online listings • 1 recent sale in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    129 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Team Construct
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • MultimmoPro
    Group • 157 online listings • 1 recent sale in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    68 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Multimmo
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Eximm-vastgoed
    Haaltert • 13 online listings • 1 recent sale in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    15 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Eximm-vastgoed
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Groep BG
    Galmaarden • 82 online listings • 2 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    16 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 2 listings in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Groep BG
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • WSB-ImmoPro
    Dilbeek • 31 online listings • 1 recent sale in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    36 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact WSB-Immo
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Albert Vastgoed
    Loppem • 341 online listings • 1 recent sale in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    23 reviews

    « ALBERT VASTGOED vertrekt vanuit zijn familiale ervaring en hecht een groot belang aan persoonlijk contact. Daarom kiezen we niet voor klassieke kantoren, maar ontvangen we u graag in onze 'living'. ze staat symbool voor het vertrouwen en de sfeer waarin we u willen adviseren. Als u met ons in zee gaat, mag u ook rekenen op een stipte opvolging van uw dossier.

    Naast die authentieke, transparante en persoonlijke aanpak, maken we ook gebruik van de nieuwste mogelijkheden om uw vastgoedtransactie vlot en snel af te handelen. Bovendien kan Albert Vastgoed beroep doen op een team met expertise in fiscaliteit, recht, marketing, administratie, IT, fotografie en grafisch ontwerp om uw dossier af te handelen. Één telefoonnummer zorgt ervoor dat we altijd en overal bereikbaar zijn voor elke klant.

    Benieuwd naar onze persoonlijke aanpak ? Maak vandaag nog een afspraak en kom eens langs in de living van ALBERT VASTGOED. »

    Contact Albert Vastgoed
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Immo De Bisschop
    Haaltert • 43 online listings • 2 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    40 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 2 listings in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Immo De Bisschop
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Accenta
    Hekelgem • 225 online listings
    58 reviews

    « Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Accenta
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    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Welle - Immo
    5 reviews

    « Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • De Leeneer Vastgoed
    Denderleeuw • 2 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw
    14 reviews

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 2 listings in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact De Leeneer Vastgoed
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    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
    Gooik • 244 online listings • 5 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 5 listings in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact CENTURY 21 ATG
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Vizit vastgoed
    • 27 online listings • 2 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 2 listings in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Vizit vastgoed
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • @-Home
    Denderleeuw • 27 online listings • 2 recent sales in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 2 listings in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact @-Home
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Vastgoedhuis Eemans
    Denderwindeke • 68 online listings • 1 recent sale in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw

    « In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in 9472 Iddergem, Denderleeuw. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Vastgoedhuis Eemans
    More info
    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Se-Re-Co bvba
    • 1 online listing

    « Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Se-Re-Co bvba
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    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Immo Linea

    « Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»

    Contact Immo Linea
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    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
  • Chrisline
    Denderleeuw • 7 online listings

    « Chrisline Real Estate took the option of a small structure in order to make a selection in what is available on the real estate market (quality counts, not quantity). Chrisline Real Estate will approach every mission with the most personnal attention and will bring it to an end which satisfies all parties.

    Chrisline Real Estate offers its customers all the professional information they need and this from the beginning of the transaction till the end (advice, negociations, documents, notary,...).

    Chrisline Real Estate

    Tailormade real estate ! »

    Contact Chrisline
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    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
    • Agency
    • Recently off market
    • For sale
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