Landmeetkantoor TOPO-IMMO


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Landmeetkantoor TOPO-IMMO

  • General information

  • About

    TOPO-IMMO, het enige landmeet- en vastgoedkantoor in regio Haaltert, Ninove, Geraardsbergen en omstreken.Door de combinatie van zowel vastgoedbemiddeling als landmeten kunnen wij u de breeds mogelijke service aanbieden.Ons innovatief en dynamisch team staat steeds ter uwer beschikking.

    TOPO, kort voor topografie.Onder deze noemer bieden wij u een ruime dienstverlening inzake landmeten, schattingen, opmetingen, verkavelingen, plaatsbeschrijvingen, stedenbouwkundige attesten en algemene adviezen.Steeds grondig, degelijk en met kennis van zaken.

    IMMO, immobiliën. Vastgoedbemiddeling met hart en ziel!

    Tevens bieden wij extra diensten aan als de opmaak van elektrische keuringen, EPC (EnergiePrestatieCertificaat) alsook uw partner bij projectontwikkeling.

  • Reviews 197

    • Brothers&Sisters in 2023 via Google
      • - LACK OF PROFESSIONALISM. SLOPPINESS, AMATEURISM, BAD QUALITY SERVICE, INSOLVENCY AND INCONSISTENCY. WITHOUT SYSTEM AND ORGANIZATION NO BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL CAN FUNCTION. I am very sad, not angry at all. I sent for an apartment and never received a reply. I sent the first day it was posted. What was my application number when I sent it to you? You, yourself sent me an email for the third apartment (after I signed up to receive new rental offers). That's not nice. And I must have sent more than twice for this particular apartment. Three weeks and not a single reply. I went in to do the whole process you ask for (first time I've seen this, like you're the police and I'm going in for an interview) and not only did you not respond but you're uninterested. Is this the third apartment I just don't visit because of? Only you know the answer. Now tell me how serious your office is about not responding to clients? So what's the point of posting real estate ads? It would be better to put an automatic response from some applications onwards. I read all your comments. And I am stumped. You are always right from what I can see. It's always the customers' fault and you are always fair. And the strange thing is that some people years or months apart have about the same complaint. Do not post rental ads that even you cannot respect. Three apartments. If you can't handle all that clientele, stop registering and mailing for new properties. Lack of professionalism. That was my experience with you and I am still amazed every day at the lack of professionalism of the "professionals". This was my experience And my beliefs about this alleged real estate agency. Anyone who wants to can become a realtor, get acquaintances or friends to make nice comments and all is well. Three apartments, and no one liked my profile, there is a problem. Something is not right. Unless your agency is aimed at renting houses and apartments to clients with a net income of more than 5000 euros per month. What to say. TAKING RESPONSIBILITY IS THE (RARE) CHARACTERISTIC OF A TRUE PROFESSIONAL. WITHOUT SYSTEM AND ORGANIZATION NO BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL CAN FUNCTION. TO DATE, I HAVE NOT RECEIVED A REPLY. PROFESSIONALS. THE WORLD IS FULL OF AMATEUR-PROFESSIONALS. 2023 AND ON THE WAY TO 2024.
    • T E in 2023 via Google
      • - Misled, lost something we really wanted just because we have not been led properly.
    • Steven Van Kerckhoven in 2022 via Google
      • + Top team!
    • Erica Löfquist in 2021 via Google
      • + Topo-Immo is an amazing realtor. They made fantastic and realistic pictures so that the house I went to see was just like on the pictures, they did not leave out photos of toilets and garages etc like some agencies do"because no one wants to see that". They were super professional in all communication which led me to buy the house on the spot, the first time I visited it. Also the compromis signing was very well arranged and professional. I would recommend this agency both for byuyers and sellers! They should be called "Top-Immo"! Thanks alot, from a satisfied client, Erica Lofquist
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  • Location

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
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