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  • About

    Als bouwbedrijf en projectontwikkelaar houden we van bakstenen. Logisch. Maar we houden nog meer van mensen zoals jij. Want als bewoner breng je bakstenen tot leven. Door te wonen geef je onze nieuwbouwprojecten een ziel.

    HECTAAR spitst zich toe op gezinswoningen en appartementen in steden en gemeenten in West- en Oost-Vlaanderen. Zo willen we een meerwaarde creëren voor gezinnen, alleenstaanden of investeerders. Door in te zetten op unieke, groene of kindvriendelijke locaties, door architecturaal het verschil te maken in het straatbeeld en door af te werken met een gevoel voor detail en evenwicht.

    Bouwen doen we niet voor onszelf, maar voor jou als bewoner of investeerder. We houden rekening met je wensen en je dromen. Wij passen ons aan jou aan. Hectaar biedt sleutel-op-de-deur-woningen aan, maar ook afwerking volgens je eigen smaak en budget, kant-en-klare modelwoningen, aangepast bouwen op maat en bouwgronden. Want wonen is meer dan een dak boven het hoofd. Wonen is genieten.

  • Reviews 76

    • wouter in 2024 via Google
      • + For a school assignment I had to attend a site meeting and had sent Hectaar an email for this. An answer soon came to help me further. Today was the site meeting which was very interesting and Arne (project leader) also took his time to give us additional explanations and tips. So they are very friendly and helpful at Hectaar!
    • sabine top in 2024 via Google
      • - From the start of construction, many things went wrong. When I contacted the construction company I received no response. Ultimately, a construction expert was appointed. This found even more errors than I had already done. During the preliminary delivery, the Hectaar company received a voluminous file. My expert immediately put me at ease that he would contact the Construction Confederation if Hectaar did not agree with certain comments. Problems still arise after delivery. You should NOT count on Hectaar's after-sales service. Apparently they have nothing to do with it. You can't hear anything anymore. They sometimes call again to ask for the bad review to be removed.
    • Arnaud Broes in 2024 via Google
      • + Had a very pleasant experience with Hectaar, from purchase to the end of construction. The house was made with high-quality materials and reliable suppliers were used for, among other things, the kitchen, floors, electricity, etc. During the provisional acceptance, a number of issues were identified that still needed to be put in order, but these were accepted by the site manager without any problems. I am confident that they will be resolved quickly. The house was also delivered surprisingly clean. During the various construction phases, communication always went smoothly and I always had a concrete answer to questions or comments within a few days. As far as I am concerned, Hectaar is certainly an ideal partner to build with. Thanks again to Santa and Louis for their pleasant services!
    • Inge Van de vannet in 2024 via Google
      • + Very smooth progress of 2 new-build homes in Vossenslag. Nice finish, neat yard. Finished earlier than expected. If I build again, it will definitely be with Hectaar. Thank you 👍
    • Jill Vannieuwenhuyse in 2024 via Google
      • + A TOP construction company! We built a completely new custom home with Hectaar and from start to finish everything went very well and very smoothly! We would choose you again any day. A big compliment to Sofie! Keep up the good work!
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  • Location

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
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