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  • General information

  • About

    ECOBO, in 1983 opgericht door J.P. Vanden Heede, is een afkorting van ECOnomisch BOuwen, wat staat voor een kwalitatief hoogstaande woning tegen een haalbare prijs. Een baksteen hoeft niet op de maag blijven liggen.
    ECOBO bouwt op traditionele wijze, economisch en ecologisch verantwoorde woningen. ECOBO staat garant voor 27 jaar vakmanschap, kwaliteitsvolle materialen en een perfecte uitvoering door ons eigen personeel, getuige daarvan onze honderden realisaties.
    Dankzij een professionele coördinatie en een nauwlettende opvolging verzekeren we een vaste uitvoeringstermijn. We beantwoorden graag en vrijblijvend uw vragen of tekenen een gratis voorontwerp met bijpassende prijsofferte. U zult zien, bij ons bent U geen nummer. We gaan er prat op dat we nog steeds ons familiair karakter hebben kunnen behouden.

  • Reviews 14

    • Mg in 2024 via Google
    • Gino De Weirdt in 2024 via Google
      • - Normally I would rather not give a star because they are certainly not worth it, I have been working on ECOBO for 3 years and they still have to solve defects, but they prefer to keep people on a leash, I think they like that better.👎👎👎 It's been a few months and still no solution has been resolved, so before you want to build with ECOBO, think carefully because they don't deliver on what they promise. Back 2 months later and still not solved and they dare to write on their website that a brick should not be placed on your stomach, mine has been on it for almost 4 years by ECOBO!!! Back a few months later and still no change and no more news from them!!! 13/07/23 still the same problems and can't be heard anymore and if you tell the truth on their Facebook page they block you. If you plan to build with ECOBO, don't think twice, think 100 times because you will have misery with them anyway. 13/09/23 still no response and according to what I heard they are not going to come anymore because I dare to tell the truth, first class trash here, not a single house in order in the neighborhood, everywhere there is something that is not right👎👎👎 I hope that other victims will also write a review to warn others. 04/03/24 still no improvement just a worse condition: Leak in roof that they can't solve and have known about it for more than 4 months. Gyproc has been loose in the bedroom for more than a year and there are still several problems that cannot be solved. 😡 16/04/24 still no change and haven't heard anything from ECOBO as usual 👎
    • Pauline Naert in 2023 via Google
      • + Very well assisted with advice and knowledge by Geert
    • Caroline Buyck. in 2022 via Google
      • + After 27 years we are still satisfied with our construction!
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  • Location

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
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