Goetstouwers Immobiliën - Brasschaat


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Goetstouwers Immobiliën - Brasschaat

  • Algemene informatie

    •  Italiëlei 58, 2000 Antwerpen
  • Reviews 38

    • Ruvani uit Brasschaat huurde
      • + The Second Lady that I spoke to at the office was very helpful and offered to give me a visit.
      • - I told her that I live already in Brasschaat for 25 years and I rent a house and because of my divorce I need to find something smaller. Her first question was, how much do you earn? I told her that I am moving because of my divorce and that my alimony would be substantial enough to pay for the property. Her next question was yes, but how much do you earn? I found this to be a rather strange first question but I told her, I do not work (I am 55 and had breast cancer) but I said that my alimony can be guaranteed. She abruptly said ‘sorry but I cannot justify this to the owner, I cannot help you’ and she put the phone down. The phone conversation was in Dutch and I explained everything properly but I felt that this lady was quite discriminatory towards me. I have never been treated like this as a potential client and I have dealt with a few makelaars already who have been very kind and friendly to me. I was quite shocked and upset by how abruptly she talked to me. I see in an earlier comment on this review site, the client also talks about how he feels discriminated by this particular lady who works there. I don’t think that I want to work with people who are discriminating and rude like this. i will not give them the pleasure of earning my money. The people who rent properties through people like this lose valuable and good paying customers this way.
      • - I had indicated online that I would like to view a property in Brasschaat to rent. I called the lady back and I asked if the property was furnished and the woman said that it was not. I asked if there were built in cupboards and she said, as you can see on the photos, there are no cupboards which I found quite rude.
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    • Gemiddelde Realo Schatting® < +
    • Bevolking die single is Laag Hoog
    • Gemiddelde leeftijd van de bevolking Laag Hoog
    • Bevolking die een groot gezin is Laag Hoog
    • Bevolking die hoger opgeleid is Laag Hoog
    • Bevolking die werkzoekende is Laag Hoog
    • Bevolking die van een andere oorsprong is Laag Hoog
    • Gemiddeld inkomen Inkomen Laag Hoog
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