De Syndic


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De Syndic

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  • Reviews 42

    • Jasper Eggermont in 2022 via Google
      Reviewed: De Syndic Kortrijk
      • + Top syndic! Thank you team Kortrijk for the smooth and clear cooperation!
    • Wim Vermeulen in 2022 via Google
      Reviewed: De Syndic Kortrijk
      • + Always correct
    • Veroniek Seynaeve in 2022 via Google
      Reviewed: De Syndic Kortrijk
    • Secretariaat DCBCleaning in 2022 via Google
      Reviewed: De Syndic Brugge
      • + We regularly work on behalf of this Syndicus and experience that they are extremely committed to the owners of the buildings they manage. They communicate easily and are very accessible. Very pleasant partner!
    • Willy Verstraete in 2022 via Google
      Reviewed: De Syndic Brugge
      • + Starting in a new residential site always causes problems: with Jens Demanet and the team at "De Syndic" we are working to solve them one by one! Very satisfied with the cooperation in this! Thankful for the way!
    • philip mortier in 2022 via Google
      Reviewed: De Syndic Brugge
      • + I have been working with the Syndic, Jens Demanet, for almost three years. Excellent organization, quick to respond, listening ear, adequate problem solving, strong in communication, helpful and above all very customer-oriented and empathetic. Certainly has the right connections in the matter. In short, highly recommended, also in terms of price-quality.. Philip Mortier, chairman of VME, project 7Langerei, Bruges
    • Geert De Witte in 2022 via Google
      Reviewed: De Syndic Brugge
      • + Very satisfied with the operation of the Syndic. Both large and small problems receive the necessary follow-up. There is a regular briefing on the progress of the solution. Kudos to Jens Demanet!
    • filip demets in 2022 via Google
      Reviewed: De Syndic Brugge
      • + The Syndic is reliable, honest and transparent in its communication, Jens Demanet is the perfect person to ensure everything runs smoothly during the co-owners' meetings.
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