ERA De Kern


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ERA De Kern

  • General information

  • About

    ERA is marktleider en daar zijn we trots op. Niemand doet meer transacties per dag. Maar vooral, niemand maakt meer Belgen tevreden door de verkoop of koop van hun woning. Met onze lokale kantoren mogen we gerust stellen dat geen enkele andere vastgoedonderneming de gevoeligheden en nuances van de lokale markt zo goed kent. En daar profiteren onze klanten van, want onze expertise van hun buurt zorgt voor een snellere verkoop aan de juiste prijs.

    We snappen als geen ander dat een huis een thuis is. Waar je leeft. Waar je opgroeit. Waar je geluk en rust vindt. Een huis is naast een verhaal van centen, nog meer een verhaal van mensen. Daarom stellen we steeds onze klanten centraal. Hun bekommernissen zijn onze bekommernissen. Expertise staat niet gelijk aan afstandelijk zijn. Efficiënt betekent niet stijf. Daadkracht betekent niet kilheid. Dat bewijzen we elke dag.

  • Reviews 42

    • Cédric Cotemans in 2023 via Google
      • + Smooth cooperation with Thijs and the office. Excellent knowledge of the area and market. Agreements made are always kept and communication is also very smooth. The sale of our property was also arranged very quickly. Highly recommended if you want to sell your property by professionals with enormous expertise and a smile.
    • Glenn ridwan in 2023 via Google
      • - Made an appointment with Matthieu 1 week ago for today May 22, 2023 at 9:00 AM. I had to drive an hour to go there and it turns out that the appointment was made wrong that apparently they can never make an appointment on Monday morning even though he suggested it himself, at least let me know that it was wrong that I don't have to go all the way there driving I drove all the way there for nothing. Not a good first impression, there will be no second appointment on my part. Please check your agenda carefully in the future.
    • Iris Bellekens in 2022 via Google
      • - We don't have that satisfied, great feeling, and we will never stop working with them again. We felt like our agent was never reachable, never responded to phones. Everything went through someone else and the contact went well. We have always had the feeling that once the sale was complete, they were there for the buyers and no longer for the sellers, but we still paid them.
    Add a review
  • Listings 78

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +

    Active listings 78

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