Correct Vastgoed Zedelgem


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Correct Vastgoed Zedelgem

  • General information

  • Reviews 244

    • Jolien Jonckheere in 2024 via Google
      • + We had an excellent experience with real estate agent Nele van Correct. From the first contact we were very well received and immediately felt at ease. Nele quickly kept us informed of all relevant updates and ensured smooth communication. What we particularly appreciated was that Nele organized an introductory meeting with the landlord, which gave us extra confidence in the process. Her professional and friendly approach made the whole experience very pleasant and worry-free. In short, we are very satisfied with the collaboration with Nele and would without hesitation recommend her to others who are looking for a reliable and efficient real estate agent.
    • Willeke Vandevoorde in 2024 via Google
      • + We would like to thank Regine and the entire team very much for selling our house. The click was immediate. Regine, you are great. Always friendly and with a smile. Always ready to help. Thank you for this collaboration.
    • Vanessa Staelens in 2024 via Google
      • + Correct… the name says it all! Thank you Regine and the entire team for your professional but human approach... Purchase went very smoothly, sale of our house then much smoother with sale after 4 days! You are great!
    • Jan Dewilde in 2024 via Google
      • + We contacted Correct Vastgoed for an estimate of our house that we wanted to put up for sale. Although there was no question at the time that we would sell our house through them, the manager took plenty of time to make a correct estimate. Afterwards we received an extensive file with all the explanations about how she arrived at the estimated value. There was still no pressure on us to do business with them. Because of that calm approach and the confidence that the manager exuded through her knowledge of the matter, we followed both our hearts and our minds and decided to sell our house through Correct Vastgoed. A few days after our house was for sale, it was already sold for a higher price than expected. This was the best proof that we were right in choosing them.
    • Rebeka Dumitrache in 2022 via Google
      • + Great people , great agency ! They really help with all things !
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  • Listings 29

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +

    Active listings 29

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